Julie’s Blog


A year and a half of crazy & touching stories as The Extra Daughter

A year and a half of crazy & touching stories as The Extra Daughter

My team and I have done some crazy things but also made wonderful relationships   In the last year and a half since The Extra Daughter was founded, we have done some unusual (to say the least) tasks and formed some strong bonds with our clients. Read on:     We have:...

On being a burden

On being a burden

What you are missing out on when you have the wrong mindset? In many cultures, old age is revered and elders are sought out for their opinions based on a lifetime of experiences. In our country, wrinkles and grey hair are to be rectified and advertisers want the 18-34...

The joys and benefits of laughter

The joys and benefits of laughter

Laughter really is the best medicine I took a client to a big box pharmacy to get a flu shot. She is legally blind so I had to read the lengthy consent form to her. She started laughing at me trying to pronounce different six syllable medicines and diseases like a...

Should you pay for a friend?

Should you pay for a friend?

Should a paid companion be considered a friend? One of my family members feels that fraternities and sororities are paying for friends instead of making them organically. Yet, people maintain life long friendships with fraternity and sorority brothers and sisters long...

Caregiver burnout

Caregiver burnout

How to know when it is time to ask for help Caregiver burnout is a huge problem. If you live with the person needing care, or visit daily for hours, you are especially at risk. Your life is on hold while your spouse or parent's well-being becomes your whole life. If...

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