"Helping older adults like their kids would, if they could."

Transportation Appointments Companionship
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Julie Katz

Julie Katz


If you have an older parent like me , there are always things to worry about. Either you are far away and cannot be there when they need you or their needs are so time consuming, helping them is your full-time responsibility. The Extra Daughter LLC is there to provide transportation and companionship when you cannot. Our Extra Daughters and Sons are just like you; responsible, reliable, and caring. Respect and kindness are the hallmarks of what we do.

Our Services

We not only take you or your parent to appointments and shopping, but we stay to help from the time we leave the house until you arrive back home, helping along the way. We provide reliable, safe transportation with screened drivers. If your parent needs companionship, because they are lonely or have mild dementia we can help. Our Extra Daughters and Sons are hired because of their compassion and maturity. Our clients feel that they are spending time with a friend.
Our Services

How can we help?

Here is a list of services we can provide you with:


We will accompany you on shopping trips but we won’t stop there. “Your Extra Daughter” will put your purchases in carts, the car and away at your residence.

Medical Appointment

Medical Appointments

We not only drive you to your medical appointment, we are there to be your advocate. If you wish, we will interact with your medical provider and help you understand any follow-up required. With your permission, we can pass that information along to your family members.



The Extra Daughter can provide daytime companionship for people with mild dementia or those who are just lonely. We help clients structure their days with meaningful activities. Respite care is also available for caregivers who need to get away for a few hours for their own appointments or just to relax. We strive to be like a friend.


Emergency Companionship

If you encounter an emergency medical or other situation, we can be there any time of day or night to accompany you if your family cannot.

Minor Home Repair


We can help you with minor tasks around the home that are becoming more difficult for you.

Medical Appointment


Whether you need to tidy up a closet or need help with organization before a move, we will work with you to organize and tidy up your things. We will even bring small items to a charity of your choice for donation.

If you don’t see what you are looking for or are in need of special services, please reach out to us to see if we can help with a specific need.

Grocery Shopping

What People Say About The Extra Daughter

“When I do errands with Julie I feel like I am shopping with a friend. I never feel like a burden.” — Dorothy P., client

“Julie is dependable, very competent and well trained in working with those who have dementia with excellent communication and coordination skills with family members, and always professional.” —FC, daughter of Dorothy C.

“You have been such a godsend and made us feel so much more comfortable about being away.” — Beth S., Daughter-in-law of P.S.

“Julie grocery shops for me. She is efficient and accurate. The best part is chatting with her when she brings in my groceries. I’m so glad I met her.” — C.P., Client

When my children told me they had “hired” someone to be a companion while they were gone, I thought it was not necessarily. I was wrong. Julie & Randy have been wonderful and very helpful to me.” — Phyllis S.

Julie’s Blog

See our latest blog posts!

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Phone: (330) 289-7519

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